Fic: Necessary Education

Feb 15, 2012 02:45

Title: Necessary Education
Continuity: G1
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ratchet/Hoist/First Aid
Warnings: sticky, threesome, loss of virginity, minor bondage
Summary: Hoist and Ratchet are well known as the kinky mechs on the Ark, after all, they're medics. First Aid has somehow managed to miss this memo... till now.
Notes: Found this prompt on the kinkmeme. This isn't a fill exactly, but it's definitely where I got the idea from...
Any errors are entirely mine due to it being... 2:37am. I should go to bed.
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(

First Aid really did miss out on far too much because of the war. This isn't the first time I've thought this, but this is the first time I've realised that he was never introduced to the, ah, other side of the medical apprentice's lifestyle. Of course the Academy is long gone, but rumours still abound.
As evidenced by the bright scandalised glow in First Aid's optical band as he is guided into the office. Ratchet smirks at me across his helm and I can just imagine what he is thinking. ::We've been remiss in some of our duties.:: He sends across a tightly encrypted channel as the Protectobot sips at the energon cube that has been placed in his hands.
"That. They. But. How could they think so lowly of you?!" His outraged exclamation is coupled with the tinges of horrified embarrassment still swirling in his elecromagnetic field. "You would never do anything like that!" Having only overheard the end of the conversation I am a little at a loss as to exactly what was said before I entered the medbay for my shift that had First Aid of all bots chasing his unlucky victim out with a spanner.
"Feeling any better?" With First Aid's attention turned to me he doesn't notice Ratchet attempting to mask a self satisfied smirk, and I must admit I am hard pressed not to give in to my own amusement about how ridiculous the entire situation is. "I'm sure it can't be that bad." I manage, which only makes Ratchet's smirk grow even wider as his armour shakes in suppressed mirth and First Aid nearly chokes on a sip of energon as he nods.
"They said that you and Ratchet were..." I can feel the embarrassment rise in his field as he goes quiet, obviously unable to repeat what he had heard.
Thankfully Ratchet has no such issue in relating the conversation, most likely word for word.
"Ah." I finally say. We really should remedy this gap in such an important part of his education. The only problem will be how to go about it.
"Ah?" He repeats, finally twisting to look at Ratchet who has at least composed himself and managed to reduce the slag eating smirk down to only a small grin. Silence reigns in the office as he looks between the two of us. "What aren't you telling me?"
I am once again quite thankful for Ratchet's complete lack of tact as he speaks up. "That the rumours are true."
First Aid turns back to me, the fact that he is waiting for me to deny it or at least give the punchline of the joke is clear. "Actually, I don't think the rumours do us justice." I must admit to feeling somewhat mean as he continues to stare at me, shock clearly written in every line of his armour.
Obviously having his two mentors own up to having partaken in some exceedingly kinky orgies isn't what he was expecting. How he's managed to miss those rumours for so long I have no idea. Pit, Jazz still has a tendency to make whipcracking noises from time to time after he found me and Ratch in one of the storage bays.
Ratchet finally edges around Aid so that he can hop up onto his desk letting the Protectobot see both of us without having to twist around. "The medical academy was always pretty wild." He stared at the ceiling for a moment. "After the first orn of classroom teaching we started our internships at various medical centres before apprenticing out to older medics." I remembered that, I'd been a fresh new intern when Ratchet had been finishing his apprenticeship.
"It was an almost unwritten rule that we looked after each other." He paused again, looking down at First Aid. ::I sometimes forget how young he is.:: The comm is unexpected but I have to agree. Aid is barely at the age that we were when we entered the Academy, war has made him grow up far too early.
"We try our best, but there will come a time when we can't save them all." Not since Aid came online have we lost a mech in the medbay. There have been casualties out on the battlefield, but not under our watch. We haven't had to deal with that yet. "Interfacing is a good way to forget, to remind us that there is still something to live for." Ratchet's reminiscing turns back into amusement. "I suppose somewhere in the history of the Academy it went from quiet comforting to outright kinky 'facing wherever they could."
"Oh." Is all First Aid can muster before something clearly occurs to him. "They were talking about medics... they must think that I do that." I don't think his optical band could get any brighter as he flicks his gaze betwween the two of us.
Ratchet lets his field flare with his laughter for a moment before turning a serious gaze onto the younger bot. "I wouldn't say no if you wanted to. Neither, I think, would Hoist."
I shake my helm but I'm not sure he notices as he turns his gaze to his lap, his hands curling around the empty energon cube. "I've never interfaced before." He says so quietly I have to boost my audio to compensate.
"Ever?" Ratchet asks, surprise briefly lacing his energy field, as I'm sure it is mine. I had been sure that the Protectobots had at least played around.
"The rest have, but I was always busy." He admits as Ratchet slips off the table to crouch in front of him. The older mech doesn't get a chance to say anything though as First Aid raises his helm, his energy field filled with determination. "I think I'd like you to show me." It wavers with a faint thread of uncertainty as he glances over at me. "Both of you?"
"we'd love to Aid." Ratchet answers for both of us. "Come to my quarters tonight, Wheeljack has the night shift in here after that stunt he pulled last week so we're all off duty together."
It is only once the younger mech is out of medbay that my comm opens up, images and ideas spilling across our link and it is all I can do not to go and grab a cube of high grade. In fact the small issue of being on duty is the only thing stopping me. Ratchet, having just finished his shift has no such problem and he grabs a small cube before exiting the medbay, ideas and notes still being exchanged between us.

The door to Ratchet's quarters slides open and I have to wonder what has gotten Aid huddling into himself as he all but slides around the doorframe. "Aid?"
My query gets me a sheepish smile as he goes straight to his favourite chair and curls up. "Why would Jazz want to know if I needed lessons on how to use a whip?"
"Glitch." I mutter as I put my bookfile down as Ratchet maneuvres through the door, nine cubes of energon teetering in his arms, testament to a successful dispensor raid. "Jazz is just teasing you." I reassure the Protectobot as we both help to unstack the cubes onto a small table.
"So, uhhhhm, what now?" Aid asks as he looks between us.
"Now you grab a cube of energon and relax." Ratchet says as he does just that, his recliner creaking under his weight as he sprawls loose limbed across it. With his favourite chair claimed Aid perches himself next to me and I can already feel my fingers itching to sooth all the cables pulled taught with nerves. His entire frame coiled tight and just waiting for clever fingers to smooth out all the kinked wires.
"Sorry." he mutters after a moment of tightly clutching his drink and nervously watching us.
"Come here." I don't give him a chance to resist as I haul him into my lap where he freezes, clearly not knowing where to rest his hands. "Relax, you're far too tense, we're not going to bite."
"Unless you ask us too." Ratchet adds from his corner and I have to stifle the urge to throw my empty cube at him. He really isn't helping.
I let my hands wander, gently stroking over his back, feeling the agitated thrum of his engine settle into a contented rumble as he lets himself lean against my chassis, systems slowly settling and heading towards recharge. He doesn't seem to notice as Ratchet comes over and plucks the remaining energon out of his hand. He does however notice when I let my hand drift into a seam in his armour on his side.
His optics power back up as he lets out a startled buzz of static. "That... what did you just do?" I oblige him by stroking across the wiring again, his surprise fading as he presses towards me. "Feels... nice."
"Good. Do you want to move to the berth? The couch isn't big enough for three." He jumps as he finally realises that Ratchet is no longer in the other chair and is instead crouched down beside us. A shy nod is all I get as he hooks his arms around my helm, his face pressing into my armour.
"No matter what he says, he won't bite." I prompt when Aid doesn't uncurl from around my chassis. "Although you can bite him if you want." That gets the response I am expecting as he draws back to look at me and then over at Ratchet who has settled himself on the berth. "Aim for the chevron." I say as he finally lets go of me and awkwardly clambers onto the berth, tentatively settling across Ratchet's thighs.
Moving up behind him I lace my fingers with his, guiding him to tease at seams and gaps in Ratchet's armour until he starts to move with more confidence. "Like this?"
"Like that." I reach around, letting my own fingers dig into a seam, "Don't be afraid of hurting him, he'll tell you if its not good." I suit actions to words, tightening my grip around a small handful of wires and tugging. Ratchet yelps, more in surprise than pain as First Aid gently settles the wires back into place.
"That didn't hurt?" The Protectobot asks as he rests his hand over the abused wires.
"Yes. No. Well." Ratchet tilts his helm slightly before obviously coming up with a way to explain. "Yes, but I'd quite like it if you did it again." An upward push of his hips emphasises his request.
"See. not hurting him." I murmur as I return to what I started on the couch, mapping out any sensitive areas on Aid's frame. A yelp from Ratchet lets me know that First Aid is taking my words to spark. Or possibly it could just be that he reflexively clenched his fingers when I brushed over something sensitive. But the end result is the same as Ratchet's cooling fans turn on and the rumble of his engine kicks up a notch and Aid seems to gather his courage.
By the time I have worked my way around his frame to lightly wrap my hands around his thighs, just brushing against his panel, his fans are running full blast and Ratchet is faring no better, his hands gripping the mesh of the berth, no doubt to stop himself from simply flipping First Aid over and ravishing him, and while I'd like to see that it might well have the Protectobot running and not looking back.
"Hoist?" Ratchet asks as I pull myself away from the Protectobot and off the berth.
"One astrosec." I say as I root around in one of the cabinets. "Here. Think these might help." First Aid's face is a picture as he stares at what I am holding up, not having his facemask present only heightening the visible emotion. On the other hand Ratchet just huffs as I move back to the berth.
"Hoist?" This time it is First Aid that speaks as I hand them over, letting him turn the cuffs over in his hands as I settle back in behind him.
"There's a loop on the wall that you can clip them to." I smirk at Ratchet over First Aid's shoulder. "You seemed to be having fun holding him down, but it's always nice to have your hands free." I don't think that Aid had noticed that the hand that he hadn't been using to explore had been firmly keeping one of Ratchet's arms pressed to the berth.
"Oh." He says as he looks between the cuffs and Ratchet, who obligingly gives the Protectobot his wrists.
"Better." I purr as First Aid settles back down, lightly tracing a finger across Ratchet's thighs, making the older medic grumble as he twitches. And with the way Aid's optical band has lit up I think he's just decided that he likes being the one in charge for once. Or at least, in charge of Ratchet.
Wrapping my arms around his waist I brush across his interface panel again. "Open up." He ducks his helm for a moment before complying. "Have you touched yourself before?"
"A few times." He says as he lowers his head again, a faint tinge of embarrassment curling through his field. That is quick to disappear as I wrap one hand around his spike, gently stroking it till he is fully extended, the other circling around his valve entrance.
The buzz of static from his vocaliser creates a lovely counterpoint to Ratchet's growl of frustration as he watches us, optics bright with lust. "Look at him Aid." The Protectobots optics flicker back on as he tries to simultaneously thrust into my hand and press back against the warmth of my chassis. "See why we had to tie him down." The sound of Ratchet's interface panel snapping open as he snarls at us is loud. "He gets so impatient."
I bring the fingers that were teasing at Aid's valve up to my mouth, slowly cleaning them off. "He needs to learn that good things come to those who wait."
"Go on, touch." I encourage as Aid tentatively runs a finger down Ratchet's spike, looking up at him to see if it's alright. "He's not in charge here, we are."
I just laugh as Ratchet curses me and tries to press his hips up into Aid's teasingly light hands, the Protectobot clearly trying to focus on Ratchet but being distracted by the fact that I still have a hand around his spike. "Go on and take him Aid. It's what he wants."
"But, ah," he switches to a private comm, anxiety barely hidden in the quiet tone, ::all the guides said that a mech needs to be prepared first.::
I respond the same way, layering my broadcast with glyphs for certainty ::Usually, yes, but trust me, he's ready.:: I'll let Ratchet explain masochism to him at a later date.
He hisses as he sinks into Ratchet, his armour flaring as he stills himself when he is buried to the hilt. "Why have I never done this before?"
"I have no idea, but if you would move I'd greatly appreciate it." Ratchet says in a tone somewhat approaching normal, only the slight hitch halfway through betraying him, but it does the trick as Aid pulls out, slowly working out how to move as he adjusts his hips to find the best angle.
Now this is something to flag in my memory files, First Aid slowly fragging Ratchet, till he's all but begging. I release my own spike with a sigh of relief, my hand already wrapping around it.
First Aid finally gives a static laced cry, his armour quivering before his frame goes limp, the whirr of systems resetting and rebooting filling the room. It takes a moment before he pushes himself up on shaky arms from where he had sprawled across Ratchet's frame, the older medic vibrating with barely restrained tension.
"Aid, come here." Ratchet beckons as best he can with his hands above his head, but the younger mech seems to understand what he wants as I help him to move until his frame starts to respond to his commands again. He has to fling out both arms to brace against the wall as Ratchet swipes his glossa across his valve entrance.
::Hoist. You. Spike. Valve. Now.:: The comm. is laced with command imperatives and a sense of urgency. Which I duly ignore as I line myself up and enter his valve as slowly as I can, his curses transmitting clearly across the link until he wraps his legs around my frame, using his greater strength to pull me all the way in. ::Frag me before I take you over a berth in the med bay so hard you won't be able to walk.:: A moment passes before he amends his threat, after all, it wasn't much of a deterrent. ::Frag me before I refuse to take you over a berth in medbay!::
That, on the other hand, is quite an ultimatum. He wants to be fragged hard I can oblige as I pull out and slam back in, his grunt muffled by First Aid's valve. I'll have to remember that as a method of keeping him quiet in the future.
Aid manages to stay upright and active as his second overload washes over his frame, his components still highly sensitive as Ratchet practically screams down the comm. line at me as his valve tightens in a wave of compressing metal.
I don't have much choice but to follow them both into post overload bliss as we collapse into a pile. It takes a while before I finally haul myself to one side, pulling Aid into the gap between us, the Protectobot already heading towards recharge.
"One of you going to untie me?"
"Later." I say, curling an arm around Aid to stop him hitting the release. "Keep him tied up. It means he can't go to the medbay early, and he'll still be here when we wake up."
Aid settles back down without complaint, using Ratchet's shoulder as a pillow. "I like that idea."

c: hoist, c: ratchet, c: first aid

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