Mini Fic - completely untitled and complete crack...

Jan 26, 2012 22:48

Title: Untitled
Continuity: G1
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Blaster/Soundwave, implied Steeljaw/Ravage
Warnings: heavily implied sticky sex with added tentacles, utter crack
Summary: Ravage and Steeljaw come to a conclusion regarding their carriers
Notes: Seriously, wtf is this??? I'm trying to write a serious fill for a different prompt and this pops up and bites me on the aft.
(Also crossposted to tfanonkink here)
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(

::There are times I wish the war was still ongoing.::
Ravage would have acknowledged her companion’s observation, but that would have meant turning her head away from the scene in front of her.
::I didn’t realise it was so hard to lock a door.:: He added.
A whine managed to escape her vocaliser as she finally managed to tear her optics away. ::Its like a seeker orgy, you don’t want to know but you just have to look.::
Steeljaw chuffed in equal parts agreement and horror, his audial receptors pulled flat against his head as he tried to reconcile what he was seeing. ::I didn’t even know they could do that.::
::Which part?:: She asked, optics trying to work out which tentacles belonged to which mech. But it was a lost cause as they writhed together, entwining and slithering over each other, over armour, into armour and just about anywhere else they could reach.
::Possibly the whole thing.:: Steeljaw finally replied as his helm was tilted nearly ninety degrees to one side. ::And I think they are trying for a record of how many tentacles can they fit insi...::
He cut off with a squawk of static as Ravage cuffed him over the head. ::There are some things I do not need to know about my own carrier!::
Steeljaw seemed to consider this for a brief moment. ::True, but you have to admit, it does look like fun and just think what you could do with tentacles, so much more flexibility than this.:: He held up one golden yellow paw.
Ravage blinked, optics resetting and refocusing on the entwined mechs as she contemplated that fact. ::I wonder if Hook and Ratchet could get us some.::
::There are times I wish the war had been over sooner.:: Steeljaw decided as he cast one last glance behind himself before following Ravage out the door. They had medics to go find...

c: blaster, c: soundwave, c: steeljaw, c: ravage

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