Mini Fic - Warning: Highly Flammable

Dec 10, 2011 20:56

Title: Warning: Highly Flammable
Continuity: Pre-war G1
Rating: G
Character(s): Wheeljack
Word Count: 390
Summary: Wheeljack really should come with warning stickers
Notes: tf_speedwriting 10/12/11 Prompt 3: Experimenting with energon
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(

Part 5 of Scientific Curiosity

“He is to remain supervised at all times. Do not let him wander off. Definitely do not let him near anything electrical or chemical, especially anything liquid, flammable, corrosive, oxidising or in any way harmful.”
The carer just raised an optical ridge at the harried looking creator and sheepish youngling. The mech had called not long before to ask if they could take his youngling for the day as both himself and his mate had been called to a meeting and their youngling had been banned from setting foot on the base. Why he had been banned hadn’t been discussed, the mech merely flashing his strange helm fins in an intricate pattern as the youngling in the background of the comm. call had ducked his helm and slunk out of view.
“Well, come in then, Wheeljack was it?” The carer smiled when she received a quick smile as the youngling entered. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” She said as the mech gave her and her building a last worried glance before he transformed and sped off. Her centre had cared for thousands of sparklings and younglings while their creators worked. Wheeljack was in good hands. Probably his carrier and creator had never had to leave him anywhere before and were a little anxious. Not that they had anything to worry about. They were a highly regarded caring service with every type of toy to keep the young ones occupied and quality energon for refuelling time.
She lifted her armour in a shrug at the mech and femme when they arrived to pick Wheeljack up, as with all new younglings she had kept her optics on him at all times. The mech and femme exchanged commiserating glances with each other, almost, the carer reasoned, like they had expected something like this to happen. “Dare I ask?” The mech finally asked as he pointed imperiously at his feet.
“And how much is it going to cost us?” The femme added as the soot streaked youngling slunk over to his creator.
“Not as much as you’d think, the explosion only took out one of the walls.” She had to smother her laugh as the youngling seemed to be contemplating how he could sink into the ground. “And for the future, you might want to add energon to your list of banned substances.”

c: wheeljack, series: scientific curiosity, tfspeedwriting

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