VolatilityAU - Wheeljacks recruitment

May 24, 2011 19:25

Title: Recruitment Arc: Wheeljack
Continuity: G1 - Volatility AU
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Wheeljack, Jazz, Mirage, Ratchet
Word Count: 868
Warnings: None
Summary: Any mech that could blow up a small moon was worth looking into as a potential recruit for ops.
Notes: Part of the Volatility Au - wherein Wheeljack and Red Alert were recruited into special ops...
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(

Any mech that could blow up a small moon was worth looking into as a potential recruit.
Which was why Jazz and Mirage were currently staking out a laboratory on an out of the way base. Jazz felt an optical ridge rise as he listened to the two mechs arguing in the lab, as they had been since he and 'Raj had arrived five breems ago.
:Are you sure about this?: The short range comm. came after the clatter of something being thrown echoed out of the lab.
:Not entirely.: He replied as he twisted to look down at his fellow agent, or at least, to look at the faint waver of solid air that his enhanced visor could detect.
The argument in the lab appeared to be winding down; the loud yelling had at least given way to a conversation at a more reasonable volume. Demagnetising his limbs Jazz dropped to the floor and poked his head into the lab. Only to jump back with a curse as a wrench bounced off the doorframe.
:Jazz?: Mirage asked as he reappeared in the visible spectrum.
:The medic in there threw a wrench at me.:
Mirage raised a delicate looking optical ridge as he scooped the offending item off the floor. :I can see that: He tilted his head quizzically. :Any idea why?:
:The medic threw a wrench at me!: Jazz repeated as he cautiously inched is helm around the doorframe again. :I didn't even say anything.: He paused for a moment before continuing, overtones of surprise present in his comm. :He didn't even look at me either.: A hint of respect entered his tone. :He has good aim.:
"Can I come in without being decapitated?" He asked the two mechs when another wrench wasn't immediately forthcoming.
"I suppose if you must since you obviously can't take a hint." A rather caustic tone replied.
“Oh I don’t know, the wrench to the helm made your feelings quite clear, I’m just not inclined to wait for you to finish.” Jazz said as he ambled into the lab, Mirage following him like a shadow.
“Hi, sorry ‘bout the mess.” Their target, one Wheeljack, engineer, currently assigned to the science team under Ultra Magnus, said as he waved a hand at the scorched lab. The most disturbing part about the action being that the hand, and a good section of the arm was no longer attached. “I’m Wheeljack, this is Ratchet.” He continued, using his severed arm to indicate the junior medic who was working on his shoulder. “You must have just transferred since I’ve never seen either of you before.”
“Jazz, this is Mirage.” Jazz said when he finally managed to get a word in, “and actually we’re looking for you.”
“Me?” The engineer repeated with a confused look before his entire posture slumped. “This is about the moon isn’t it?”
“Sure is." Jazz acknowledged with a grin. “My boss was pretty impressed with it you see.”
“I didn’t mean, wait, impressed?” Wheeljacks audial fins gave a disconcerting multicoloured ripple of colour as they reflected his confusion.
“Oh yeah, not every vorn you find a mech who can blow up a small moon with only grenades and take out an entire con base in the process.”
Ratchet narrowed his optics, the sharp blue glow barely showing through the half closed shutters. “You want him to do that on purpose.” He paused a moment as he considered something. “You’re ops.”
:He’s quick.: Mirage commed as Jazz regarded the engineers friend. “Yes we want him to do that on purpose."
The medic huffed out a ventful of atmosphere as the engineers fins flashed in excitement. “He doesn’t need encouragement.” The medic muttered as he took possession of the detatched arm and began to reattach it. “Does Magnus know you’re here recruiting?”
“Not exactly.” Jazz hedged, “but I’m sure he won’t mind transferring you.”
Both medic and engineer let out a burst of staticky laughter. “We’re out here in the middle of nowhere because he doesn’t want Wheeljack destroying his main base in a giant explosion. And I'm here because I'm the only medic insane enough to treat him. Trust me, nothing would make him happier than to lose us.”
“So, you wouldn't mind transferring?” Jazz asked as he looked between the two.
“Count me in.” Wheeljack accepted as he flexed his repaired arm. “Will you let me have more explosives?” He ducked with an ease born of long practice as Ratchet attempted to clock him with yet another wrench.
"If he's going, I'm going, besides I'm sure ops could always use an extra medic around."
“Excellent.” Jazz grinned, despite the fact that he was going to be the one explaining to his boss why he had gotten a medic tagging along with the engineer. “I’ll get it all arranged, welcome to ops.”
:I still think this was a bad idea.: Mirage commed as the two of them left the lab.
:Well, I suppose if it all blows up in our faceplates I’ll just have to blame you.” Jazz replied with a smirk. The wrench that Mirage had taken possession of and never returned finally found its mark as the noble delivered a solid thwack to the top of his helm.

c: wheeljack, c: jazz, series: volatility au, c: ratchet, c: mirage

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