Jan 14, 2005 14:24
well today started of great...
i saw matthew before school.
i went to school only for county to be canceled.. which was bad.. but it worked out for the best
drama meeting went well.
then came fcs.. i was kinda not looking forward to it at first..
but oh my goosh!!
the meeting was the best thing ever..
it what i and a few others needed...
the drama went soo well.. people just lost their insides even josh.
as the meeting went on we kinda did a prayer request type but we had people put their heads down and if they needed prayer, they would raise their hand..
so they would not have to be ashamed.
there were like 10 people that were crying, and like i could feel all this awesome energy! it was great
and joey... wow kid, well he is like the same age as me but you know..))
i really dont know what i would do with out you..
your are going to change the world...!! thank you so much for helping me through all that fcs stuff with josh.. if it were not for you, i would have left!!
you are a modern day profit.....
friends and family show tonight for guard.. at the b-ball courts at plumb elm.
8 o'clock! be there..
premier 1 tomorrow @countryside high we go on at like 7:30 i think.. so be there at like 7:15....12$