Post Vector X-mas Part-A

Dec 22, 2006 01:34

Yesterday we(vector) had a sweet christmas party. there wasn't much of us but we still rocked the house (or office depending on how u look @ it). We had a weird version of a gift exchange. where instead of waiting till the end to unwrap any gift, we did it the minute we got them, sure it was a lil more wild that way (especially with me getting some inscense box with a "hidden compartment." right of the bat!).

In the end I ended up with a Vector Shirt (awesome), cutco table knife tray (super awesome), and a Ten dolla gift card for exxon/mobile (Gift card woot!).

I also got my cutco Homemaker to near completion with, got my Classic butcher knife, Pearl 9" slicer, Pearl Master Carving set so all i need now is a french chef and its complet. Also I got a Classic Santuko and Boning knife. I think i wanna get a roll-up cause the red cloth is totally cramping my style. And a birds beak Paring knife, it looks messed-up but i think its worth it to weird out customers a bit.

Did a Demo this morning. With and old rep. Gave me some insights with the roking motion thing (gotta keep that in mind). Gave me some comments on 1st impression (I bet it was because of my pony tail.) So anywhay when I finshed and was about to leave, asked me if i needed a right, then told me something... which puts me to assumption that he had a "Glock" "Pistol" "Gun" whatever. I wasn't scared or anthing but I was to say the least "Very lowly shoked". Cause MY Shock Meter is very high.

Also misunderstood my Ast. Manager and ended up in the deerfeild MAll instead of the Broward mall. (Don't ask Me how)

Also just now: Lorrie game me an enveloppe gift? should I oppen it now or keep it closed to C-Day?

tob continued

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