Haven't posted in ages...

Jun 21, 2009 19:01

I need to stop talking about this Iran thing with people. It's driving me goddamn insane.

So I go onto this forum, where there's a certain person essentially saying that there isn't really all that much protesting going on, it's all just propaganda from the American media, there is only a small minority that has a problem and the majority of the country was very happy with how the election went.

To which I responded, rather cleverly in my opinion, "Since about 50% of the population of Iran is female, for you to be correct in saying that the majority of the country wanted Ahmadinejad in office, a significant portion of women would have to support a regime in which they are one very small step above property in the best of cases."

Her reaction was, predictably, that I knew nothing about Iranian culture, that there was no real women's movement in Iran, and that women in Iran are very different from women in America and are not interested in gaining any more rights.

I am so. Fucking. Sick. Of this argument. This fucking idea that being treated as a human being is some cultural thing that only we Americans are interested in, and over in the Middle East women really enjoy being treated like cattle. I just cannot understand it. I cannot comprehend how you could possibly be so fucking stupid that you would actually believe that a significant number of Iranian women are not only satisfied with not having rights, but given the right to chose between having rights and not having rights, they would chose not to have rights.

Jesus, how do I even get into conversations with these people?
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