Two things...

Dec 11, 2007 01:24

- I'm done exams! *twirls around* I had four this year, which was the fewest I'd ever had. On top of that, I finished way earlier than previous years. Normally this time, I'm still buried in books, or pretending to be anyways. But yay, for integrated exams that limit brain-frying to a minimum. The end of exams also means that I suddenly have a lot of free time on my hands and not a whole lot of things to occupy that time. I do have to go shopping but since I'm not going home this holiday, I'll probably be spending a lot of time in bed, with my ipod and/or on the computer. And yeah, I do still have to explore the campus and take pictures... The sunset on the beach, from what I see of it on nice days, is magnificent. Seriously, the surroundings? They are wasted on me.

- I just finished watching Razor (I wish I could say I watched this after exams on purpose...the truth was I haven't thought about BSG in ages and I forgot about Razor...). Anyways, OMG. It was phenomenal. I can't put it into words that put it to justice. There was the requisite ethics question on the exam today (HIV positive prostitute with a history of non-adherence, do we treat or not, argument for yay is obvious and the argument for nay is that non-adherence can lead to resistant strains) and now it just seems oddly appropriate because there were a lot of ethical dilemmas depicted in Razor.

PS: now that I am done, I shall aim for regular updates for I no longer have any excuse not to.

PPS: that Crosby game was brilliant. If only Canucks had won...and of course, they lost again tonight to the KINGS! *headdesk*

life:holidays, lj:entertainment

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