Dusts off Dreamwidth

Jul 04, 2016 16:39

So I'm doing 
crossovering  this year (or I shall be once signups open in the next few days) so I thought I better dust off the old Dreamwidth account.  Apparently my old password no longer passes muster, and then I had to face trial by Captcha.  But I got here eventually.

I used to crosspost a lot from LJ, but I'm mostly on Tumblr these days so not a lot of LJing has been happening.  But if you are curious who I am and what I do: come visit me on Tumblr where I spend most of my time,  or at my other spiritual home,  A03.  Also fun to visit for Revolution fans is our multishipping temple, The Orgy Armada, where I am a co-captains.  We run quite a few challenges to keep up the flow of fanworks in this tiny fandom, and there's one running right now if you're interested!  60 Moods of Summer.

What do I write, besides a LOT of Revolution?  My A03 dash testifies to a fair swag of Veronica Mars, a certain amount of Xmen Movieverse and a smattering of other stuff across a bunch of fandoms.  And I crossover frequently!  TV wise, I have recently finished watching Battlestar Galactica (for the first time!), loved Sense8, Black Sails and Killjoys, and the Australian drama, Cleverman.  I haven't seen Xmen Apocalypse yet (though need to remedy that before it vanishes from cinemas here) and am currently still worshipping at the altar of DOFP (the Rogue cut, of course.)

dofp, 60 moods of summer, nbc revolution, toa, xmen movieverse, crossovering

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