So I'm doing
crossovering this year (or I shall be once signups open in the next few days) so I thought I better dust off the old Dreamwidth account. Apparently my old password no longer passes muster, and then I had to face trial by Captcha. But I got here eventually.
I used to crosspost a lot from LJ, but I'm mostly on Tumblr these days so not a lot of LJing has been happening. But if you are curious who I am and what I do:
come visit me on Tumblr where I spend most of my time, or at my other spiritual home,
A03. Also fun to visit for Revolution fans is our multishipping temple,
The Orgy Armada, where I am a co-captains. We run quite a few challenges to keep up the flow of fanworks in this tiny fandom, and there's one running right now if you're interested!
60 Moods of Summer.
What do I write, besides a LOT of Revolution? My A03 dash testifies to a fair swag of Veronica Mars, a certain amount of Xmen Movieverse and a smattering of other stuff across a bunch of fandoms. And I crossover frequently! TV wise, I have recently finished watching Battlestar Galactica (for the first time!), loved Sense8, Black Sails and Killjoys, and the Australian drama, Cleverman. I haven't seen Xmen Apocalypse yet (though need to remedy that before it vanishes from cinemas here) and am currently still worshipping at the altar of DOFP (the Rogue cut, of course.)