Nanowrimo 2014

Nov 03, 2014 10:53

For months I was thinking, nah, I won't Nanowrimo this year.  And then I thought, well, I've been spending so much time on fanfic this year, and not much on the original stuff I was working on.  And my one rule for Nano was always 'not fanfic'.  And then I remembered I'd started outlining an erotic novella to try and sell on Kindle and novella, and erotica, and original and ... I was suddenly doing Nanowrimo again.


12 steps

Twelve years, Alix Devonport wasted.  Twelve years of not-now-dear and boring once-a-week sex.  Twelve years of tight budgets and tight revenue and that controlling tightwad she once called a husband.  But then she discovers his brand new Ferrari, complete with wadded up lingerie in the back seat, and she's gone.  Out of the business, out of her life, and out onto the road in the car that should have been hers, heading north. Repossession, she tells the cop who pulls her over for speeding.  It's not the only thing she tells him, and when he tells her to step out of the car - well.  Twenty thrilling minutes with Mr Just-Past-Noosa is just the start of her very own 12-step programme.  But sober isn't the goal.  Satisfaction is.

And I have, of course, already deviated from that synopsis.  (Shakes head at self.)

HERE's my Nano page for anyone interested.  (I still haven't quite figured out how to sort writing buddies and the like, so it's mainly just a wordcount page ...)

nanowrimo, erotic novella, 12 steps, nanowrimo 2014, original fic

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