Day 6: noblopomo 2013: my current fandom loves

Nov 06, 2013 15:44

Day 6:  What's your current fandom loves/ships?

The shows I'm head over heels for at the moment include Elementary, Orphan Black, Lost Girl, and Sleepy Hollow. I was enjoying Scandal and House of Lies, but am currently waiting for the second seasons of those shows to arrive Down Under.  (Ie, I'm not sufficiently in love with them to download them illegally ...)

Interestingly, there's only one major ship to arrive out of all those for me: Kenzi and Hale in Lost Girl.  (And OT3ing Kenzi/Hale/Dyson in a big way.)  Kenzi was immediately my favourite character because she makes all the fae around her look positively bland; and while Dyson is interesting and very noble and all, it was her dynamic with Hale that intrigued me most.  I get the impression that Hale is more traditional and less able to step away from the prejudice against humans he was brought up with, but Kenzi is about to change all that.  Season 3 was starting to bang the Kenzi/Hale drum in its last episodes, so I'm hoping Season 4 will dawn and ... *trumpets* I will have a canon OTP for the first time in FOREVER.

With Orphan Black, I'm basically in love with Sarah Manning, AND Cosima, And Alison Hendrix, in particular, but the pairings canon has presented for them are a little too dubious for me to embrace whole heartedly.  I've got to say it would be very interesting to see Sarah and Alison, for example, playing with the idea of who they are, sexually, and who they are not.  Whether the show could go down that path at all, given the fact all the clones are played by the one actress, remains to be seen, quite apart from any squickage that might result.

Elementary - I kind of ship Joan and Sherlock because my God it would be hot, but really don't want to see them together because he is in love with Moriarty (and hell yes they better explore THAT) and Joan deserves a storyline that doesn't feed into Sherlock's personal drama.  Someone mentioned Joan and Bell, recently, and YES, I could get behind that.  But it's one of those shows that has enough dramatic merits the shipping side of things doesn't matter so much.

Similarly, Sleepy Hollow is kind of problematic because I'm getting all the IchAbbie feels, but ... Katrina.  She might be long dead but not to Ichabod, and ... yeah, be interesting to see how they work through that one.  I will admit to a very interesting dream the other week that will become a fic at some point ... Ichabod, Abbie, Jenny AND Katrina are between a rock and a hard place and forced to resort to sex magic to save the world.  Shoot me ;)

shipping, elementary, sleepy hollow, orphan black, noblopomo2013, lost girl, fandom

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