Get ready for porn

Jul 25, 2012 12:45

So, I was looking forward to the Porn Battle in July, since I love prompts.  I've also found the freedom to focus on porn, without getting caught in a big dramatic arc, means I write more, and more tightly as well.

But Porn Battle isn't back 'til January 013, now.  There has, however, been a general amnesty declared on all past Porn Battle prompts over at

This is quite exciting.  So I'm setting up my own little challenge, idea ganked from fellow W/R shipper, Alesia ...

One PBA entry per week between August 1st and Dec 31st, in various fandoms.  There will probably be lots of my OTPs - Wolverine/Rogue; Veronica/Eli, and Puck/Rachel, but I want to try writing in fandoms I haven't touched before, and also use it as an excuse to finish up some of the stories that have been languishing in my WIPS for a while.  (Wolverine/Faith, I'm looking at you!)

So, basically, get ready for Porn.

(And yes, I plan to finish - FINISH!!!! - Sleeping Dogs first.)

wips, writing, porn battle amnesty

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