Hello Dreamwidth ... so long LJ

Dec 27, 2011 10:24

 Due to changes at LiveJournal, I've decided to base myself at Dreamwidth. Apparently all my fic is in the process of being imported, and I will post new fic directly from this account, crossposting to LJ. Apparently things shouldn't change too much for LJ users - I'm not sufficiently techie to understand HOW, but People Who Know have indicated that's how it's supposed to work. (If it doesn't, it's most likely a box I haven't checked or something. Never underestimate the depth of my technical ignorance.)

Speaking of fic, I have recently established an account at Archive of Our Own, but only a few of my stories have made it there so far. But it's lovely and easy to upload fic, and read sequential chapters etc. I'm JaqofSpades there, too: http://archiveofourown.org/users/JaqofSpades

a03, journals

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