FIC! Where's the **** fic?

Aug 05, 2007 20:04

My fic muses seem to have deserted me of late. Or more correctly, I've deserted them: too many priorities to juggle. I can't blame the kids, either: Sofia is starting to sleep really well, and Annika has the odd nap every third day or so. And I'm not so tired now, so I COULD write at night.

Problem is, I'm writing other stuff.

I've long had not one but a couple of novels in development, usually just at outline stage, but the thought has always been there.  We're about to face a financial crunch, and my husband has put the hard word on me: if I want to write a novel, he'll fund some daycare time for Annika to let me do that. Not fulltime, just a couple of days a week, but enough. So I'm going to try.

I've joined the Victorian Writer's Centre, and next week will be attending a workshop on Getting Published. As part of that workshop, I need to have a piece of about 1000 words to discuss. Problem is, I'm not sure which of my started novels to take in - the contemporary romantic thriller, the sci-fi/quasi literary effort, or the historial romance.

I write bits of whatever's grabbing me at the time; but the thriller is the most developed at present.  But is it the best idea? Who knows.

Whatever the case, that's what I'm doing of late. I know I should be finishing off the next Fandom Multiplex thing, but it needs a good edit and I just can't find the will to do it at the moment.

Apologies to anyone who cares. 

fic, writing, personal

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