Drabble: Life Left Behind (Rated R)

May 18, 2007 09:02

Title: Life Left Behind
Verse: X-men Movieverse
Rating: R for language, sexual references

Summary: What’s left when the one you love leaves?
Author's Notes: A five minute fic inspired by Sam Cooke’s Bring it home to me. (Lyrics at end). Written for
kathrynthegr8’s Wednesday challenge, in only slightly more than five minutes, so it may well suck.

Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing. Please don't sue. The copyrights of Marvel Comics and Twentieth Century Fox are respectfully acknowledged.


It was supposed to be him. Him who left. Him who strayed. But this time, it was her duffle bag thrown on the bed. Her coat gone from the door. His heart gone missing.

He hardly noticed its absence, at first. He’d smirked and flirted and even fucked his way through it, refusing to think about why he couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t breathe. The mansion walls came pressing in like they hadn’t in years, and surely the cure was the road. And the fights. If he couldn’t get excited about that, well, he was an old man. A life too long lived.

Three weeks, and maybe he had never lived his life at all. Drifting was no life. Fightin’ and fucking and just existing wasn’t life.

Life was doing the right thing and working for a cause and her warmth beside him in the morning. A throaty purr of delight, the curve of an alabaster hip, the sweat-drenched glory of her scent after a workout. The glow of love in brown eyes.

All of those things were a thousand miles away, picking up the threads to an old life. A human life. One with no room for a wanderin’, cheatin’, feral.

The X-fuckers called him her saviour, her hero. But he knew the way it really was - she had saved him. Given him a life. So he owed her that. Even if she stopped loving him. Even if she was kind enough, loved him enough, to come back.

So he wouldn’t ask. He’d listen to that song and ache, and want to beg, but he wouldn’t.


Bring it home to me (Sam Cooke)

If you ever
Change your mind
About leavin'
Leavin' me behind
Well, baby, bring it on home

Bring it on home to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I know I laughed
When you left
But now I know
I only hurt myself
But I'll be forgiven if you

Bring it on home
Bring it on home to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I'll give you jewelry
And money too
That ain't all
That ain't all I'd do for you
If you would only


You know I'll always
Be your slave
'Til I'm buried
Buried in my grave
But I'm forgiven if you


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

wolverinerogue, drabble, challenges, fic, xmen

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