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Jan 07, 2004 16:16

i was supposed to leave the today to go shopping or what ever- just get out of the house from being sick..and breathing in sick germs all day...

But i got sidetracked.by a full need to go read the bible and pray.so i did. i was reading in judges. about Gideon. how a simple average man accomplished so much with the power of god. and How radical a movemnet it caused. then i was reminded of a friends resolution for the new years...to live more radically for jesus this year. and how that is totally amazing.
so i started recapping and praying a bit--"god how is one to live radically for you?? How does one atain such a status in your eyes.?"

then i was reminded of a book i read 'The Final Quest" by: Rick Joyner. (read it its amazing)And how he acheived the highest goal thru out his vison of his depiction of chirstians and their walk with christ.
A dirty, shabby, ugly brown cloak was the answer....he was to wear this ugly peice of clothing..."the cloak of humility" and wear it with pride.

In the mountain of life...with all the struggles to overcome- tha hardest was acheiving that freakin cloak and wearing it.

and then it hit me. simple. Humility . To humble ourselves before god and for god. Dont live with pride. Live with humility. JEsus said "imaitate me".
we're made in his likeness. But to actually live in likeness acheiveing great things takes a humble heart.
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