(no subject)

Jun 10, 2006 19:59

i've been amazingly busy at work for the last month. so much so, actually, that the stress had started to pile up a bit and weigh on my mind. as a result, today i headed out to the hills and coast.

first, i drove around the windy hills. lots of turning, but i eventually got to the top. it turned out that this point was right next to a gun range, so the whole time i was taking this picture there was a lot of BLAM! and BLAM BLAM BLAM! going on.

then i headed down to the beach on highway 1. it was nice out, although the water was eiskalt. i saw a dead seal; it had no face. (seal faces must be delicious!) i sat around a while.. it was relaxing. sand gets everywhere, though. it makes a nice warm bed. i think next time i'll sucker someone into coming along. then i can drink a lot while listening to the ocean.

there's a little yellow upside-down U in the middle of the far cliff.. that's a kite-surfer. they hang onto these tiny parachute-shaped kites and surf about. at a beach i stopped at north of this one there must have been 30 or so of them. the kites twisted and dived in the wind like enormous seagulls; the surfers below, hopping up and down on the rise of the wind like little kids jumping to reach the clouds.

then i headed north, but it got foggy. i headed home.

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