Mar 08, 2007 12:33
I have not managed to do much today being that I am taking medication for a sinus/inner ear infection that makes me drowzy. I have vertigo with this inner ear thing, so I can't bend over or move to quickly, or drive. I have been resting.
I have my hair appointment today at 4:00. Moms driving.
In other odd news. I predicted my x-father in laws death.
Long story that I will try to shorten.
I have been told that I am sensitive. Not Ghost Whisperer sensitive, but sensitive to certain things. Could be my Native American heritage.
Anyway about a month ago, I had a dream out of the blue that my X FIL went into the hospital to have a procedure and he died. I had this dream twice that week. This was way out of the blue and I had not even thought of this man at all. No reason too.
The following Saturday I went to the hair dresser. My hair dresser/ friend Dominica grew up accross the street from my Ex -inlaws, and she still does my MIL's hair. She learned from my MIL that Ex FIL was going in to have another bi-pass operation that week. He had already had one about 18 years ago and they're only supposed to last for 15 years.
Of course I almost dropped over right there in the chair, and proceeded to tell her and my mom about my two dreams. A week or two went by and I didn't get any calls from Yvonne (a very good friend from gradeschool who married my Ex bro in law). I introduced them when were 19).
A couple weeks past. No word. No news wasa good news.
My phone rang this past Thursday and I answered. It was Yvonne telling me that Ex FIL had died. He had had this proceedure, and though it went well, and he came through it with flying colors, for some unknown reason, he died the next day rather suddenly.
Moral of the story. I am going to trust my own instincts more.