Nov 09, 2008 18:34
I told her how I felt. I knew the chances were slim, but it was getting increasingly difficult to hold it in. The age difference was the breaker for her. Again, it was something wrong with me. No surprise there. That seems to be the case almost all the time. We'll remain great friends though, something that I am very happy with. If I knew it would jeopardize the friendship I wouldn't have said anything and kept it to myself no matter the toll it would take on me. The fact that I am able to remain good friends with her shows how much mature I've become dealing with this situation. It shows how mature she is too. We are two mature adults.... wait, we are two mature adults, who always act immature towards each other, being mature about this subject. Yes, I am a little heart-broken and yes, some days it is a little bit difficult for me to not become a little depressed, but this is what I've chosen. The door will never shut, I will always keep it open. My feelings for her will never dissipate. (NO I WILL NOT BECOME SOME CRAZY STALKER! you sillies) I am still invited to her house whenever, which makes me happy. I enjoy the time I spend with her, even though most of it is at work.
Other things that are going on... I finally got a Playstation 3. When my sister saw it she said, "Finally!" and when I called my brother (he already has PS3), he said "It's about damn time." Haha, thanks guys. I was going to wait until Black Friday or the days leading up to Christmas for some deals (10 free Blu-Ray movies with PS3 was a deal last black friday), but Walmart was having a free $100 gift card with the purchase of the PS3. I couldn't pass it up. Plus I got 10% off since I had my uncle buy it. It's the same deal my brother got when he got his. Right now all I have is Metal Gear Solid 4, which my brother gave me when he got the bundle. Next up is LittleBigPlanet and Fallout 3. Plan to get the Blu-Ray remote and another controller too. I finally spend money on myself... something I usually don't like to do.