(no subject)

Apr 03, 2010 17:15

Well it's been a while since I posted. I suppose if anybody is still reading this I best make some noise every now and then. I've actually been doing personal video journaling. I suppose it's me succumbing to technology. My hand written journal is all but a lost cause and I barely write in my in my electronic journals (like on LJ and on my comp for more personal matters) But I've been very diligently making videos just about every day. It really is for personal reasons, like a journal should be, so it's not like I'm posting every day on you tube.

Well, with those thoughts out of the way, I do have some interesting goings on. The Gifu Festival is this weekend (as in the on happening right now) I spent around two hours wandering around. It sort of felt like longer but that might have been because I was by myself so the time wasn't flying so much.

I stopped in at a local shop on my way back to my apartment. I had been there ONCE before and they remembered me! I guess I shouldn't be so surprised since I pass the shop pretty much every day and I'm one of only a handful of foreigners that is likely to have stopped in. So we chit chat for a while and it was nice to interact with strangers. I know that sounds strange but I've gotten used to my co-workers for the most part and I need a bit of a challenge to keep improving my Japanese.

Don't get me wrong, I like the familiar too. There is one restaurant I stop in at once a week. Not for the (coughfreecough) food I get so much as the conversation. The shop owner knows me well and it's a casual enough environment that some unprovoked conversation is not too uncommon. Though, granted, the shop owner sometimes provokes it on my behalf.

So that's the short version of things. No need to go into grueling detail. Anyway, enjoy your day.
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