During Travel - Murphy's Law

Jan 12, 2022 17:51

Contrary to what my student said, it turns out my bad luck hadn't fallen away at all. Here's all the things that happened on my trip to the US.


(Disclaimer, this is not great reading material, I'm just venting here)

- I bought a flight to the US in October when they reduced the quarantine period from 10 days to 3 days


- Found out I was not eligible for 3 days and I would have to take some days off


- Found out that upon arrival in Japan, I would not be able to take domestic flights. Since Yossi would be on winter vacation, he arranged to drive me home from Tokyo.


- Beginning of December, restrictions increased and the quarantine period in Japan went up to 14 days. I negotiated to take days off.


- Japan started cancelling all flights to the US. Then they revoked that decision and my flight was still good to go.


- The US changed the rules for entry to getting a PCR test one day before arrival. As it takes a day to get there, it would have been impossible to get one 24 hours before. However, it just needed a date on it for the day prior to departure. I lucked out.


- The day I departed, while I was in the airport, they changed the rules for the return quarantine to be not only 14 days, but mandatory days spent in a government designated hotel. The number of days depended on which State you visited. New Mexico was 6 days. I called up Yossi all upset and let him know he wouldn't be able to pick me up at the airport anymore.


- I arrived in the US and the first thing they said was, "Your passport is invalid." What?? I'd just gotten a new one!! Oh wait, I'd forgotten to sign it. That was a quick fix. I think in Japan they wouldn't have been so forgiving.

- While I was in the US, they again changed the rules. I assume because of the large amount of holiday travelers. All travelers from countries with Omicron need to stay in government accommodations only 3 days. If the three days started the day I arrived, I thought maybe Yossi could still drive me home from Tokyo and make it back for work on January 4th.

- I'd asked my parents to arrange for a PCR test. The test to get back to Japan must be 72 hours prior. The test they booked was 72 hours prior to arrival in Japan, but only if you figured in the time difference and date change. I had no idea if that would be acceptable, but it took 48 hours to get the test results, so there wasn't really another choice.


- My name wasn't complete on the test, the address was inaccurate, and the testing center wouldn't sign the Japanese form. I panicked and went to their lab where they signed my form, but with the wrong date. Had to go back the next day to get it corrected.

- A snow storm was arriving in NM the day I left the US. I got an email in the afternoon before I left that there might be delays with my flight due to the weather. But the weather report showed that it wasn't going to be that bad, and it wouldn't arrive until I left.

- The night before I departed, I got an email that my flight had been cancelled. (probably Covid related) I spent two hours on hold with the airline. Finally got booked on a flight with an overnight layover in Dallas.

- I told Yossi it was pointless coming to the airport now to pick me up.


- I realized my test was no longer going to be 72 hours before my arrival. After a sleepless night, my mom drove my anxious ass to the airport where we did a mock check-in. The lady said the test needed to be before departure, not arrival. But the departure in Dallas had only a mere 10 minute leeway. The lady said my departure counts as the day before from Albuquerque as my layover is under 24 hours.
私のPCR 検査は72時間以外になってしまいます。朝いちばん早く空港へ行って、相談しました。スタッフは到着する前ではなくて、出発する前ですと教えてくれました。でも、ダラスからの出発はただ10分の余裕があります!!「乗り換える時間は24以内ので、ニューメキシコの出発で大丈夫です。」安心しました。

- I booked a hotel in Dallas.

- The flight was 1.5 hours late because too many people in Dallas were out sick with Covid that they had to close down one of the two transmission towers.

- On arrival, I thought there would be a shuttle area, or an information desk, or a pay phone, but there was no information anywhere on how to get to the hotel. After a while I finally found a flight staff who had run out to the restroom. She let me borrow her phone and they sent a shuttle to pick me up.

(PS there was a woman hacking her lungs up on the shuttle bus... We questioned her and she was like, 'Oh, don't worry, I don't have Covid.  I already recovered from that.  I just have lung clotting and scarring.')テキサスで怪しい人がいて、怖かったです。

- I woke up at 5am and decided to do a little work. I got an email suddenly saying my flight had a 7 hour delay.

- I called Yossi and told him maybe I'd never be able to go home and my PCR test would be invalid. We read through the fine print together and found a clause saying in the event of a delay that I could get a 92 hour extension, so long as I didn't leave the airport.


- I got my ass back to the airport.

- I went to American Airlines where a Japanese guy told me he couldn't help me and I had to go to the international desk, which wasn't open yet.

- I waited forever until someone from Korean Air came and while she couldn't check me in, she could at least print all the paperwork proving that it wasn't my fault my flight was cancelled/delayed.  It turned out 24 hours later those papers would save me.


- Finally the Japan Airlines woman came and checked me in without a hitch. She asked me to just wait the 11 hours at home.  I told her my home was in Japan.  She sympathized and let me choose my seat, then gave me a 15 dollar card to get lunch as well!!!


- After waiting 11 hours in the airport, the flight was again delayed.  40 minutes late. Honestly, I did not care at that point. I called Yossi and told him not to pick me up. He said he'd at least drive to Tokyo and try to hand over some things I'd need for quarantine.




- Turbulence most of the way, couldn't sleep the whole 15 hours.

- Arrived at 11pm but had to wait until midnight to get off the plane. Spent the next 3 hours navigating the paperwork and procedures maze, including a PCR test and waiting for results. Yossi called up and fought with the staff, trying to get in to see me or take me home afterward, but he got a flat out "no."

- Just as we were all getting ready to go on a bus, I got called over to go in a small, dark room where three immigration officers stared at me from behind sheets of plastic. They wanted evidence that my PCR test had been on time. It took three of them to work out the time difference and they asked to see my original boarding pass before the 7 hour delay. I'm so glad I had the whole paper trail with me.


- Two people escorted me to where an unmarked bus was waiting to take me to a mystery hotel. While walking down the hallway, Yossi pops out of nowhere. We didn't have enough time for anything, only two minutes, but he gave me a backpack of things for my quarantine, and I handed over a stack of books that was weighing down my suitcase.


- 1 hour spent at the hotel filling out paperwork and doing other procedures including downloading all the apps needed to report my health and PCR results.  From that point on, my daily rhythm was dominated by these reports.

- Slept at 4 am. Woke up at 6:30 due to an announcement about the day's PCR tests. Every day there were announcements for the tests at 6:30, when the tests finished at 7:30, when we could pick up our breakfast at 8:00, lunch at 12:00, dinner at 6:00. All meals cold, and very very few vegetables.  It was literally like a jail.  There was even a chair outside my door so it wouldn't open all the way.


- Spent my moments not sleeping off the whole ordeal making arrangements for my escape. Looking for friends to drive me, places to stay after the 3 days were over, how to survive if the 3 days were extended.

- Day two, got an announcement that someone on my flight had Covid. Luckily I wasn't a close contact and it wasn't Omicron. After taking my PCR test on the third day, I was allowed to go back on the bus to the airport.


- There's a shuttle specifically for people under quarantine restrictions that drops us off at hotels along the bus line. I booked a hostel and got dropped off a 5 minute walk away. Not bad.

- The hostel was actually a share house for college kids. There were about 8 people there and it was a little uncomfortable sharing a small space with everyone. At least my window got sun and there were washing machines. I went jogging in the early morning before the tracker app started up and bugged me to stay home.

- I found a hired driver service, as I'm not allowed to take trains, planes, busses, or taxis for 14 days. To go all the way back to Okayama would cost 200,000 yen (About 2,000 dollars) so I opted for the 50,000 yen option to Shizuoka.

- Stayed in a hotel in Shizuoka for 2 days. Wonderful place, with a big tatami room, a hot, hot public bath, and meals on the premises so I didn't have to disobey my quarantine rules about leaving my accommodations.

- Yossi drove up on the weekend and took me back to Okayama. He's really my prince in shining armor in a white car.

Now I'm at home another week. I'm not allowed to leave my house, but I'm finally STRESS FREE! And that's the best kind of freedom.


Happy New Year


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