Usually I am not one for memes, but since my posts are otherwise rather dry and straightforward, I offer up this meme I filched saw on deviantart. There are twenty questions, and so what you do is put your answer into Google image search, and choose a picture from the results. Except for the color and weather questions (where I changed the search terms), all the pics are as Google spit them out!
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
Yeah, I completely lol'd at this one, wut?? And it was the very first pic in google!
2. A place you'd like to travel. (Try to guess!)
3. Your favorite place - I had to choose two, but for completely different reasons...
4. Your favorite object. (My art books, my model horses, and my art glass collection)
To tell the truth, my old heirloom photos are very dear to my heart, but I don't feel like uploading them to the net.
5. Favorite food (especially fond of Japanese, Mexican and Thai food!
6. Your favorite animal (in no particular order!)
If I had a totem animal, it would probably be this.
7. Your favorite color
8. The town/state/etc in which you live
These are two of the bridges in my city. :)
9. Name of past pet (Amber)
10. A dream come true (Angkor Wat in Cambodia)
( I hope to add more pics here!)
11. Your nickname/screenname (guess! XD)
12. Middle name (don't laugh, plz)
13. Favorite smell
(yeeeaaahh...NOT exactly what I had in mind, but this is all that showed up, so...)
14. Bad habit of yours
15. Your first job (I was as a clerk at this place!)
16. Favourite movie (again, couldn't narrow it down to one!)
What Dreams May Come - loved it for both the visuals and the story.
Legend (adored the visuals! And I happen to prefer the Tangerine Dream soundtrack to the original...)
Shakespeare In Love - lots of stuff for me to like!
And can't forget this one!
Don't need to explain this one, do I?
17. What are you doing right now?
18. What's the weather like?
19. Favourite sport
!! But I do enjoy watching this:
20. Favourite Music/Style/Band (I like a lot of everything, but these are my consistent ones)
Comments and questions always welcome!