Editing to add: I DID get a hold of my election board, and when I explained my worries, she said the problems I was worried about were not ones that usually happened in Oklahoma. She said it didn't matter that I had marked both of them (the straight ticket and the individual entries), my individual entries were the important ones, and would override a straight ticket mark. I did get the impression that she was saying that it wouldn't matter if I hadn't marked any individual entries, that if I had marked 'straight party', it would have automatically applied to any and all candidates. But I know for a fact that does NOT happen in other states. North Carolina lost 100K votes in the last presidential election because people assumed that by marking the straight ticket they were voting for the President, when in fact that didn't apply to Presidential candidates.
I think the post I had below is more for electronic voting machines, and that people should DEFINITELY double-check their vote before they press the final button. I'm not sure what voting machine is being referred to in that post, but I find it awfully suspicious and deceptive that it seems so easy to just vote 'straight ticket', and a normal person would assume that means all the candidates of that party will get their vote, except that it DOESN'T. Not to mention also because both parties would lose votes as a result (although Democratic voters seem to be the focus of deliberate misinformation). So yes, my vote is fine and has been counted, and I'm glad I voted.
Thank you very much for your support and comments, I really appreciate it!
I think my state might have used certain tricky procedures on their absentee ballot. I can't find ANY instructions on how I should have filled it in, and I've already faxed it. I just found out like 30 minutes ago that maybe I should NOT have filled out "straight party". I DID fill in the box for Obama/Biden, but I also marked the "straight party" box as well, since there were other democrats on the ticket. But according to this post:
http://peppermintsheep.tumblr.com/post/34954386689/nargle-brainiac13-gambitgrl-mawiles (which might apply only to electronic polls rather than faxed ones), it seems I may have accidentally robbed myself of my vote, since Oklahoma had NO instructions on their ballot beyond how to fill in the box solidly rather than a checkmark. Does anybody have any idea?? I am going to try to call the election board and find out what mistake I made, if any, but I am so upset and angry right now.
tl;dr - I filled in both "straight party" AND the presidential box, but I may have robbed myself of a vote. Does anybody know??