Aww, shucks!

Apr 23, 2011 12:18

Okay, I am slow, I fully admit it.  I've always been more of a lurker on LJ, but since the earthquake and tsunami here, and some other RL stuff that's piled on top of it, I've been having tunnel vision, being woefully ignorant of what lies just outside the center of that narrow focus.

Or what has shown up on my profile. To the lovely anon, whoever it was that sent me the snail, I LOVE IT!!  Thank you so much!  I don't know when it showed up, but I decided to update my profile, and saw it sitting up there all smug and cute.  And I suppose I could take it as a hint to, *ahem*, pick up the pace (lol!), I love snails, and squeed when I saw it.  I don't know when it showed up there, and I am so sorry that I didn't notice it earlier.  But thank you, thank you.

And now I'm going to cry, dammit. 


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