Bloody hell...

Mar 16, 2011 13:00

I am exhausted after a night of tremors in MY area.  My husband and I had literally JUST finished discussing what we would take with us in what kind of emergency, when our area was struck by a 6.7 quake, the source being right UNDER Mount Fuji.  I flung open the front door and pulled on my boots while it was shaking, and we debated whether or not to run to the nearby hill or not.  Fortunately, it didn't create a tsunami.

BUT... According to the English news, they've abandoned the Fukushima reactor, it's too dangerous to stay, and they've given up efforts to cool it down.  I can't find ANYTHING about it in Japanese, other than the 4th one finally caught fire.  I don't know what to do, but I think that as soon as I get home, I'm putting together the stuff on the long-term evacuation list (clothes, photos, TRUE valuables, all of which would fit into a carryon) then see if my husband wants to evacuate to Nagoya.

The levels so far haven't even equaled a normal chest x-ray, less than half actually -- a chest x-ray is about 50 microseiverts (?), and Tokyo has had 0.8, Ibaragi prefecture had 12, both for less than an hour.  And my area, Shizuoka, hasn't had anything at all.  But if that plant pulls a Chernobyl, yes, it has a containment facility which Chernobyl did NOT, but that doesn't mean much.  And the panic in Tokyo will be like something out of a Michael Bay wet dream. 


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