Favorite videos

Mar 08, 2010 19:43

This post is mostly just filler til I can get around to finishing up my long-ass juku post (probably in two parts).   My work is unbelievably busy, with the school suddenly trying to cram in English classes at the last minute to try to make the yearly goal, so I'm teaching about 25 hours a week.  Not to mention that I'm being transferred to a different school, so now I have to organize 4 years worth of materials and lessons so that a newbie could figure it out easily.  And my father's coming here, so the ENTIRETY of my spring break is travelling.  Oh, baw. ;)  Ah well...

This is not a meme, really, but I'm enjoying seeing the different videos on my flist, so I thought I'd share the ones I like.  To start, one of the cutest commercials EVAR:

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This next video is one of the most amazing and moving videos I've ever seen - PLEASE, PLEASE watch it all the way through without fast-forwarding, you don't need to understand Ukranian to know what's happening in the story she's telling.

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From what I understand, she did indeed win the top prize, bought a small house, and started a children's charity.

Okay, now for something a little lighter:  A superbowl commercial.  Yes, I know it's not exactly highbrow, but I get such a kick out of the sense of humor in it, with the music and lyrics, and the BATH, it just leaves me laughing!

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And this is, as the poster on youtube says, one of the most beautiful, calming and mysterious videos I've seen.  If you watch it on youtube proper, it's much bigger, and the poster has a lot of information on the location. 

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And finally, a video I simply stumbled upon, looking for something else.  It is eerie, haunting and sad, and... well, here you go:

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Please enjoy!


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