Fanfiction Scribbbbbles~~

Oct 28, 2009 20:57

After eating, everyone loaded the vans and went to Cadillac Mountain. Lelouch and Suzaku ran around, climbing the rocks and jumping off them. The two of them were racing each other and as always, Lelouch was lagging behind.

Lelouch tripped one of the rocks and badly scraped his knee. Suzaku ran towards him and helped him to the back of the car. Lelouch’s eyes were filled with tears when he rolled up his pant leg.

Milly attended to the hurt Lelouch and placed some rubbing alcohol on his scraped knee. Lelouch yelped with pain and watched her place gauze pads and wrap around it. Milly taped the ends of the gauze wrap and frowned.

“How many times do I have to tell you guys?” She sighed and nudged Suzaku’s arm. “You can’t be fooling around because you know someone is bound to get hurt.”

“Someone did get hurt.” Lelouch scowled at her.

“I rest my case.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Let this be a lesson to you both. You especially Suzaku… you know Lelouch is weak and isn’t as graceful and athletic is you are.”

“Tell me something I don’t know, Milly.” He replied while snicker at Lelouch. “But it’s not my fault he wasn’t watching where he was going.”

“Oh shut up! Just because you never had a single broken bone doesn’t give you any bragging rights.” He grimaced with pain as he limped into the car.

“Who said I had bragging rights to began with? I only state the truth about my abilities. I mean everyone knows you failed at PE twelve years in a row.” He snickered. “You even failed Recess… which is probably the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever heard of.”

“I didn’t fail Recess! I was… active.” He looked away and blushed with denial.

“Yeah… active in swings. Everyone else was playing Basketball, four square and running around on the small track field.” Suzaku reminded him.

“Okay… I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” He growled at his best friend.

Sorry... i thought it was funny. It's for a crossover story I am writing again... it's where Haruhi Suzumiya and all the club members camp with the student council. They are all camping in a place where I used to camp from my mother's womb to about eleven/twelve. :'D It's known as Acadia National Park.
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