my mon and wed labbish update!

Jan 18, 2006 12:13

hey people,
Yours truely updating from the lab. What's been up with me lately you ask? After yesterday's entry, not that much really. I did a lot of homework last night, and that was about all. Talked to ang for like 5/10 mins. I hate having discipline, lol! Ah well, what can ya do. Today at school has been pretty easy. I had evolutionary psy, and we're learing about genes. Isn't that fun! Lol after that, watched a movie in history, which wasn't too bad. Ran in to jackie and cassandra after class, and their friend alee or what ever his name is, and tlaked with them before having my lunch. I love left overs! Did I ever mention I love my cooking to? ok ok, enough being igotistical about myself, lol! Anyway, after that, ran in to sam for a while to, and that was entertaining. We talked for a few mins. She wants to hang out sometime. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, I guess that brings me to now, where I am still cold from standing outside. I have a rels chapter to read, along with a few other things, and then have rels class where we're watching an other movie. Some thing on the indiginous peoples or something. I'm hoping the craptastic weather holds off for me until I get home. I don't feel like wlaking home in rain/snow, what ever it's going to be when it falls. Theyre saying rain right now, but it's so freakin cold that it just might be snow. I don't care what it is, just let me get home first! I had to walk in enough of that crap last term. Anyway, I should get to that reading stuff I guess. Talk to ya laters!
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