the rest of this... interesting day

Jan 09, 2006 19:56

Well, I guess the last time I wrote was when I was in the atlantic center. I stayed there until like 2, and the scanner was still broke so I edited all my class notes from this morning. I write waaaay too much perlecture. I think I wrote like 2300 words in my evolutionary psy class? How sad am I? Ah well, I got lots of it edited, which was a good thing. After that, went to my religious studies class. I still think the prof's a bit on crack, but man is she wise. She makes the class so interesting! She's also very inspiring. Jessica also had to put her 2 cents worth again in today's class. I block her out, all I hear is "blah blah blah". I think she's trying to suck up. I know we;re suppose to speak and partisipate, but I'm a little shy, and kinda intimidated by her. That sounds stupid, but I am. I don't want her embarassing me in front of an entire class. We started talking about why certain religius groups are formed, and how they came to be. All in all, I'm in love with that class! After class, I ran to catch the bus in the really yuckey rain/snow. I almost slid twice, and stepped in a puddle with my shoes on. Then the bus was 10 mins late, and I had gotten there 10 mins early, so yeah, I was a little soggy the whole way home. Then I had to walk home, by this time, due to lack of food, I was feling a bit nosiated, and blah. I practically ran all the way from the terminal to home in the slippy yuckey mess that was the roads, and made it in 10 mins. Thanks to my lovely boyfriend, he had supper for me, so that was nice! I was sooooooo hungry! Anyway, I watched some epps of 24, took a shower to try to get rid of the cold that's in my body. That didn't matter because it's deffinitly still there. Did some administrative work for school. That being putting random imbossed notes in to random binders, and now I'm doing this. I know I should be doing something a bit more productive, but I'm incredibly tired. I want to have a break. Every day since I started school I've not procrastinated, and that urge is starting to sweep over me. I doubt I'll let it though. I want to get as much of the readings done tonight so that I can consintrate on my project that's due next tuesday. I would like to put my heart and soul in to that for the next few days. The batcheler's on tonight to, and that makes me all gitty inside! Yay new season! I never even started watching that until last year when Jackie and Cassandra invited me to on my birthday. From that day forward, I was adicted. I hope this season's as good as the last one, and the new batcheler isn't an idiot. We'll see how it goes. Anyway, I'm out for now. See ya on the flipside!
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