before i get to bed...more pictures!! what luck!!

Apr 11, 2006 00:04

After lunch, Teresa and I realized that today and tomorrow are the last "play days" we have available to run around for a bit without any worries about class or homework. 0o0 So we decided to go out shopping just the two of us at Tachikawa, which was about a 20-or-so-minute train ride away, where our big sisters had taken us before, and where I realized that Japanese fashion was my long-lost best friend. ^o^

After Teresa bought a cute-cute new over-shirt thingy (what's it called? XD), and I finally got to check out some manga in a bookstore at the mall (I bought Honey & Clover vol. 3, weeeee~ ^o^ so cheap 0o0 about 4 dollars-ish new 0o0 0o0), we went out and got some purikura!

You can read more about purikura by clicking HERE, Moms and Dads and whoever you are who may be wondering what that is. ^_^

Man, that was fun. ^o^

That last one is just AWESOME. XD

shopping, honey & clover, manga, purikura, tachikawa, fashion

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