WHITE JAM Website Message Translation

Dec 26, 2024 18:58

Hey everyone!! ☆
It's been a while! ^_^
Now I'm back with a new translation! ♡

You all should know well by now that I'm a huge fan of the band WHITE JAM, and so today, I'm translating a part of their website addressed to their new fans; (you may be one of them! ^^) Their site is entirely in Japanese, so there is no official translation for international fans who don't know the language; hence this post! ~_^

Note that this is only a fan translation, NOT an official one, so sorry in advance if I messed anything up! It is only a humble attempt of mine to spread some White Jam love! ❤️

Let's GO! →

For Newcomers

Nice to meet you!

WHITE JAM(ホワイトジャム )は、リーダー/ボーカルSHIROSE(シロセ), ラッパーGASHIMA(ガシマ), ボーカルNIKKI(ニッキ) からなる3人組シンガーソングライター。
WHITE JAM is a singer-songwriter trio consisting of leader/vocalist SHIROSE, rapper GASHIMA, and vocalist NIKKI.

Their signature song, 'USOTSUKI' has the distinction of reaching more than 24 million views on YouTube and becoming a representative sad song.

In addition, their song 'Tattoo', which has become synonymous with sexy and cool, has charted worldwide in 68 countries.

From emotional songs that make you cry to sexy ones, this group ranges in an unknown amplitude.

また、作家としても大活躍で嵐,松田聖子,SnowMan,Kis-My-Ft2,AAA,Nissy,Da-iCE etc...とそうそうたる面々に楽曲提供。
They are also highly active as writers, providing songs to artists like Arashi, Seiko Matsuda, SnowMan, Kis-My-Ft2, AAA, Nissy, Da-iCE etc.

Their work as composers/writers is so remarkable that fans, just by seeing their name in the credits, know it's going to be a great song.

僕たちは現在 2025年夏「初のホールライブ」に向けて、新たにスタートを切りました!!!
We are now making a fresh start for our 'First Hall Live' in the summer of 2025!!!

To you who has discovered our music, wouldn't you like to dream with us?

Our fans are called JAMILY.
WHITE JAM(ホワイトジム) の FAMILY(ファミリー) が由来です。
The orgin of this name is from WHITE JAM's FAMILY.

You, too, are a Jamily from today.

JAMILY Forever💘

And that was it! Wasn't it a sweet message? 🥰 I really like the warmth in it! ❤️

I couldn't agree more with the part about their varied range of songs! No doubt, it can be hard to predict what they're going to do next, but we can say for sure when we see a new White Jam release that it it's going to be awesome! ♡

Keep loving WHITE JAM! ❤️

translation, shirose, white jam, whitejam, シロセ

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