Jul 25, 2006 23:29
today was a really great day. I had some coffee like beverages with Laura, spent some quality time with momma Ehninger, had a great dinner, worked a small little three hour shift, and then, oh yeah....
ahhhhhhhhhh this is beyond lame. I know I never should have registered to vote. I blame the school levy for all of this. The actual date is on a Thursday in November so guess what? I'LL BE AN HOUR AND A HALF AWAY. If they actually expect me to come up for a lame trial they have another thing coming. Screw civic duty, I HAVE A LIFE!...well, kinda
luckily most of the cases get resolved out of court, i just need to call LESS THAN 24 before the court date to see if it has been canceled. The call will go something like this Operator: "Umm yeah the case will go on as schedule, so you'll need to be here by 8 am tomorrow morning..." Me; "Oh, awesome, I mean its not like I'm at college, and will have to wake up at 5:30 to make it by 8am. FUCK YOU!"
ooo I just read I would get paid 40 bucks a day...theres a plus. oh wait...IT WOULD COST ME 40 BUCKS TO TRAVEL TO THE TRIAL!
*sigh* deep breaths...ok...I guess this is kinda cool right? 40 bucks a day...get to miss some school maybe...civic duty...bla bla bla. If I do get selected it better be an interesting trial, and there better be some damn good food provided....
alright, Thus ends Joel's Over Reaction of the Century...
on a lighter note, I think i decided on the Jetta and I dont work tomorrow (Wednesday) night, lets do something!!!!