May 16, 2006 23:21
So... I've gotten to the point where I am starting to question what I am going to do for the rest of my life. I've kinda hit a point with my major that I should really start to focus which way I am going to go. I can either say with my Video Production major, where I would focus on the production aspect of making movies and tv shows, or switch to a sequence called Media Management which would focus more on the business aspect. It is esentially a "producing" major. I'm officially declaring a business minor sometime this week when I talk to my advisor, so it would make sense but to a management major but I feel like I would miss aspects of production (and the classes that go with it) a lot. I need to decide quick because I'm starting to take classes which are necessary for the specific sequences.
Also I'm heavily thinking about taking summer classes. If I took summer classes then I would be able to graduate in 3 years for sure, because of the credits I had coming in. Then I would be able to (maybe) go to OU for a one year graduate program for management. So it would pretty much be a regular college career except I'd be coming out with a graduate degree instead of just an undergraduate degree. On top of all of this, I've heard from current graduate students that they pretty much give full rides to OU grads in the grad programs. Apparently the grad program is overrun with foreigners so they like ot balance it out with some good ol' AmERicans so they make it practically free. Oh yeah...they like TA who speak english too. Summer classes would be a major bummer for fun time and income this summer but it may be the best idea.
Even though all this looks like a pretty hella good deal, I would still really like to get into NYU or USC for grad school. If I keep my grades up, and keep being heavily involved in productions I feel like I have a good chance to get into those schools and I would really love to be in that atmosphere. Who knows...
Last minute I decided not to interview for the executive producer spot for Phantas. I'll be taking two very tough classes Fall Quarter (Accounting 101 and TCOM 240) plus I'll be getting a job, so I got a little freaked out about my work load.
in other MUCH MORE IMPORTANT news...Veronica Mars got picked up for 22 episodes next season!! yeeehaw! also all you Grey's fanatics get ready to start choosing between that, the OC and the new Aaron Sorkin (West Wing, Sports Night) show staring Matthew Perry and Amanda Peet on THURSDAY night. LOST is staying put on Wednesday though which is good. Official Schedules for NBC and ABC are currently out and those for FOX, CBS and The CW will be out by the end of the week. to check them out visit
This has been a hearty little entry. Can't wait to see everyone in a few weeks, and start chillin at ALUM and eating lunch at Wendy's!