Mar 25, 2009 23:25
During which I did not have a single waffle... But I did watch Penny eat one, so I guess that kind of counts...
Soooooo... Long time no post.... Mainly because I've been unbelievably busy that it's a miracle I find time to get on at all, much less type out a long post detailing the shit that goes down in my life. Trust me, other than the McAndrews fucking me over one last time, there really hasn't been that much going down.
School is boring and really not worth the money I'm spending on it.
Work is pretty cool but I'm not getting paid enough (of which, who is now-a-days?)
Camp is... Blah I think is the best word to describe it really. Like, I have fun, and I get to ride and junk, but there isn't any time for me to get lessons from Pam like I used to. And since the fours won't rie with me and I'm not going to ask Pam give me a special, private lesson when she's been working hard all weekend, that means I'm shit up a creek without a paddle I suppose.
Which, I know I shouldn't be complaining, and I feel kind of bitchy for doing so, but I really did learn a lot from taking lessons up there. I'm the first one to admit that I don't know it all, but I would like to learn. It just kind of pisses me off that I'm not even allowed that luxury anymore since there are never enough adults to warrant our own ride (not that I think I would enjoy that anyways since I'm a much higher level rider than most of the adults out there (and there is me being bitchy)) and the fours have got some big stick up their bums about me taking time away from them.
Whatevs. Petty, stupid shit. I wish I could say that I'm above it all, but that would be a lie and I know this. I don't think anyone ever raises themselves to above the level of common bitchery.
So nows... Forcing myself to write because I needs to....