Jan 19, 2009 11:49

So this weekend... Pretty good considering I had to dorm staff and thus couldn't go to Hastings like I would have liked and Springtime's still lame.

Rode Oakie all day Saturday... Wow, he's freakin' amazing. You don't even have to use your reins to get him to stop... Just say 'Whoa'. It's been FOREVER since I've ridden a horse that good. It was a nice change of pace. And his first trail ride... He was pretty awesome for a horse that's never done something like that before... Until we headed back and he saw the horses coming back from the parade getting off the trailer. Then he kind of wanted to go over there because that was apparently where the 'cool' people were.

And Blondie!! Rode her Saturday and Sunday to get her down to the arena and warm her up for some SPURS. Saturday was just a level one so we didn't really do much more than walk her around as a warm-up to get her listening, but Sunday was a level three so Pam wanted me to trot her a bit... Only she's lazy and wouldn't do it (no surprise there), so Pam went to get me a crop and couldn't find one... So she came back with a dressage whip... Apparently cuing for a trot with a whip means canter... I think I cried a little on the inside when the ground started shaking.... Though for the three or so strides she did get in before I stopped her it felt pretty smooth and awesome considering how freakin' HUMONGOUS she is...

Oh, and she nearly threw me over a fence when she decided that crow-hopping was more fun than doing whatever it is that I wanted her to do... Good thing I caught myself in time. She's certainly tall enough that the fence wouldn't have been anywhere close enough to being high enough to stop me from becoming friends with a lovely tree.

But other than that... Fun times! I'm super excited for next weekend... PENNY!!
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