Born to blossom, bloom to perish

Nov 07, 2005 16:48

That was most definitely a weekend.


I finished work and went with Tiaan (work mate) and met Roxanne (flat mate) for a drink at Escape (the bar just round the corner from work that gives us 1/2 price drinks and we have internal stairs access to :D). That was nice, everyone got on well, and I met her work colleages from the job at Vodafone she just left.

We got picked up by Aana (Roxy's girlfriend) and went home to get ready for impending guests. A few of their friends arrived and they all went out to dinner. Haden came over, we sat around and whatnot, more friends arrived, we drank some, lit some fireworks, Haden did some cool-looking Wu Shu in our circular garden thing, um, yeah, Steven and Claire and Jaeson came round, they left, Haden and I went to bed. I'm sure that was about all, I was rather drunk :V


Woke up with a nice hangover and no Haden (ninja exit) and proceeded to hang around the house all day being lazy and bung. I dropped off my old key at my old house (thankfully the retarded flatmates weren't home) and headed over to Mademoiselle Scapulae's apartment to meet up with her, Ostia and Monsieur Le Crunk. Had a jolly fun night of whiskey, cameras, photos, hip hop and nonsense.

Hung out with Hayley afterwards which was really nice - everything is sweet between us and I couldn't be happier (I am a bit sad at her imminent departure, of course).


Got up at 6am to ensure I was wide awake and had eaten a decent breakfast for the Rodney Coast Challenge. Sulav (work mate) was a little late picking me up so we burnt it along the motorway and arrived at the race briefing with about a minute to spare. We watched the runners start before heading down to the road bike transfer area to wait for Richard to finish. I did the 30k road bike for my team (we had two work teams entered) and it was hard bloody work. There were some killer uphills but the 3km worth of top-speed downhill after was absolutely fantastic. It made me wish I had a road bike instead since there's only so far you can push a mountain bike downhill even though it had road tires. I finished in relatively good time even though I had barely trained for it and was very satifsied. I helped Gary into his kayak after Richard had finished the 24k mountain bike stage and then went down to the end to meet up with the other spectators to eat food and drink beers in the sun.

In the evening I had a drink at SPQR (yeah, I know) with Claire and then went back to their place to watch crime dramas with her and the ever-glamorous Steven (in his beautiful green flanelette pyjamas).


Now it's Monday and I'm at work, sitting on my sore ass. I took the day off but had to come in at 4pm to cover Australia due to a severe staffing shortage. Anyone who would like to come on MSN and chat please do (hint, hint) since I'll probably be bored out of my tree.
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