one night in a love hotel

Nov 03, 2005 08:35

Oh man. I LOVE my new house so much.


Yesterday afternoon the moving guys (and me, I helped, really!) moved all my stuff to the new house in Kingsland. It took almost exactly one hour which was about what I expected and wasn't too expensive. I started unpacking the main stuff (bed, computer, anime figurines, clothes) and then gave up and sat around listening to really loud Static-X.

Aana came home and we sat on the back porch drinking beers and smoking and getting acquainted. Turns out we have very similar music taste and share the same views on religion, discrimination and various other contentious topics which will hopefully lead to a harmonious living situation.

Roxy arrived a bit later and we all sat around for a while doing much of the same. We drove to the supermarket and I bought some food for dinner. Got back, put on some washing in our space-age washer/dryer contraption, drank some more beer, cooked dinner, watched tv, talked, laughed a lot, marveled at what a lovely house and flatmates I now have, did the dishes, went to bed, read my book until I fell asleep.


In my back garden (which has just been cut and trimmed and whatnot) there are spotlights which are turned on at night and make it look like some kind of resort. It's going to be so nice sitting outside in summer.
Oh and we stole a shitload of wood that was sitting on the side of the road. Yay! BURNINATION!


And now for a beautiful song in Japanese and English:

A ga maeba, kuwashime yoini keri
A ga maeba, teru tsuki toyomu nari

When you are dancing, a beautiful lady becomes drunken.
When you are dancing, a shining moon rings.

Yobai ni kami amakudarite,
Yoha ake, nuedori naku,

A god descends for a wedding
And dawn approaches while the night bird sings.
God bless you. God bless you.
God bless you. God bless you.


Ten points if you can pick which anime it's from :)
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