Sep 05, 2016 16:00
Sorry in advance if this is TMI. Maybe it's my paranoia talking...y'know, depression-related rumination...but I'm convinced those little "bitey things" I mentioned a post or 2 ago are more than just mosquitoes or gnats.
Yesterday, I'd convinced myself they were scabies. :P It was worse that I was attending a birthday party for my cousin's mom (it sounds weird saying it like that, but it'd be weirder if I'd said my second cousin's ex-wife, but her son is technically my 3rd cousin, I most of the time, I just call her my cousin, thus negating the need to explain everything I just explained here). I'd already committed not only to going, but to picking up my other cousin (who doesn't drive) & his friend, & having everybody either shake my hand or hug & kiss me. I did explain to a couple people (only ones I was related to, though) that I'd been bitten by bugs after gardening & also after sleeping with open windows on hot days & feared catching something, considering you hear so many news stories about things like Zika. I was pretty nervous the whole day, though I felt better having food & talking to people for a bit.
Tried doing a lot of reading up on mites (of which scabies is a type) & whatnot. Some things made me feel a bit better. Some things, not so much. O.o
It all started with some bites, scratches, & what looked like blisters on my hands, which I'd gotten after doing that gardening. They all itched like crazy for a while, which I put down to bites or poison ivy. One of them (the worst of them), I scratched so badly, I kind of ripped it open, & so I put Neosporin on it, & it's been healing. Any itches after that, I put down to the healing process. The other little bites & itches, I put down to sleeping with open windows. Then I was afraid it might be bedbugs, but I see no bugs, nor any indication of bugs. Washed my bedding & clothes.
The itching's been less recently, just little bits here & there (most commonly, scabies would have constant, relentless itching, or so I've read), but fairly regularly timed, it seems. It's more annoying than anything. Sometimes, I can figure it's my clothing rubbing against the little hairs on, say, my arms or neck, or the hair growing in on my legs. Sometimes, I'll feel little pinprick sensations (those, I can't explain, which is one reason why the mite theory is still on the table), or the kind of feeling you get when a hair falls off your head & touches your skin (& since my hair falls out a lot, I attributed a lot to that), & these occur at various points on my body, but could be anywhere, from head to toe, but I thought at least some of it might be something psychosomatic from reading all those internet articles.
However, yesterday - & this is the other reason the mite theory still stands - I woke up with a small skin blotch near the inside of my elbow. It had tiny red dots around it, & looked like a bumpy rash. That's what freaked me out. As I had a couple of what looked like small welts not far from that spot today, & what appeared to be a number of light, tiny, bite-like bumps on the same arm (which seem to be fading but aren't completely gone), & the itching (or possibly sensitivity? Could it be the antibiotic cream I'm using for the mole removal?).
I'm gonna call the dermatologist tomorrow. I just hope it isn't something contagious...or long-lasting!
Also gonna try taking some final measurements & maybe order that sofa set. I found one that might actually fit through the door! Gonna order the tables, too. Then I can arrange for the junk people to take out the old stuff.
And I just found another bite on my leg. Ugh.
If it ain't one thing, it's another, & I'm getting rather fed up with it. I haven't read any Biblical passages pretty much since I was a kid, but I'm starting to feel like frickin' Job here.