Fun times at my mom’s this weekend! Lots of family, yummy things to eat, movie-watching, & goodies! Tomorrow (Tues.), I’m off & running (make that, flying), but before I go...
Happy B-days to Dir en grey’s Die; my nephew, Anthony, & his brother, Church; & my pal, Ashley, from work!
As for me, Tim Curry said it best in “I’m Going Home”, from The Rocky Horror Picture Show:
On the day I went away
Goodbye...was all I had to say
Now I...I want to come again
and stay
Oh my...
Smile & that will mean I may
The gods have smiled on me, giving me this see a friend again, to see an influence again, & to see a land again that I might - that I hope to - one day call home.
I hope all of you are smiled upon, too. May your holidays bring you everything you deserve (& that’s a lot!!). From the bottom of my heart, I wish you peace, warmth, wonder, fun, happiness, & love.
さようなら!! (Bye!!)