Chris: Convulsions, hospital.
Sami: hot shower, vomit.
Natalie: yell yell yell laugh.
Jessica: cry, run, scream, cry.
Nicole: block door, show up, anger, scared.
Emily: Good mother to all, fun friend.
Joe: Pizza, provider.
Berry: Taker of hospital, looker at pond in dark, :)
David: Driver to hospital, pick up of Kelly.
Me: Angry, sad, cry, aggrivated, worried, now I'm tired.
Chris is almost OK. He's in a room, going insane and I'm not even kidding... He's seeing things, imagining them, and has and IV in his arm. Seeing him like that really upset me tonight. I had to choke back tears. We mended what was once a good friendship tonight, I doubt he'll remember, but I do, so that's all that matters.
I think Natalie is fine
with it
I dont know
I didnt get a lot out of her
before she got side-tracked
but it makes me feel better that she knows, from my mouth at least...Because it just does.
I'm laughing so hard it hurts my stomach.. This is why..