well, i'm back biatches! and i do have to say, it takes a big stroke of boredom to get this girl a writin these days. well, i'm sure you're all fascinated to hear what my life has been these past months. frankly, i'd like to know what i've been up to also!
some of the highlights: got to see kanye west play NU for $15. turned 21. attended many birthday parties, some for me, some not for me. made a thanksgiving dinner with five good friends. ate copious amounts.
yeah, thanksgiving was great, although i have no photo documentation, darin, jess, me, noora and three others made a full-on 20-lb turkey thanx dinner. i made the stuffing and mashed potatoes. pants are currently busy not fitting, as we each ate two plates each and then more later (the herbal appetite enhancer may have aided our eating). Noora and her friend are both from Bahrain - and they brought amazing beans with almonds, and um, were in charge of bringing cranberry sauce. now, we all know the sauce is one can that sits there cerimoniously with lines from the can still imprinted and everyone makes a tiny dent with a spoon too tiny to function. they brought three cans! adorable!
oooh, what else. jeff came to visit in october for a belated birthday. we did all of the touristy things that i've done with everyone, but it was specialer (yeah, that's a word now) cause he was there. we saw the sunset at the top of the hancock tower:
and we went out drinking near wrigley field:
rawwwraaarw! that's katie and imran in the background... i post this cause i look REALLY hot. like really. i'm being scouted based on this head shot. daaaaamn.
jess and i captured scheming about something. maybe about how she was gonna get sick on the floor and get us kicked out? ;)
um, i've been working at kafein - nice spelling, NOT! - a coffee shop near campus. it's late nights, but the tips are good, and it's all the coffee/food i can do. the owner is a saigon whore for scheduling me weds, fri, sat, sun, mon, closing shifts all holiday weekend.
i'm taking photojournalism! but i'll do an entry of those pics some other time. taking basic painting next quarter. i love senior year, i get to play around so much!
i was a t-bell, making a run for the border order of a 7 layer and cheese quesadilla ($3.57) and someone had a flyer posted advertising that they needed a kidney! now, i'm no expert, but aren't the kidneys of people who eat crap such as t bell NOT the people you want a kidney from? yeah...
i got an A- on my most recent lit paper, breaking a five year, no As on lit papers trend.
so, the lj isn't around as much because, a) there's tv in america that i can understand b) i'm busier and c) it's hard to point out the absurditites of american culture without sounding like a whiny emo bastard. but i'll give it a whirl.
ok, random pics and then i'm done.
me, katie and libby (like my two fav new people, ooh and ray ray too) at karaoke night. i'm really impassioned.
i like ray ray because she will take a water balloon slingshot, run out into the street, hit cars with them and run away.
katie passed out on her b-day:
jeff and i took a roadtrip to the redwoods at the end of the summer. we went to the prehistoric gardens, which is celbrating its 50th year of roadside kitsch! it really was the best. dinos do rule!
i think jeff found his spirit animal
then, in jebediah smith nat park, we pretty much fell down a hill to this spot:
and i found a friend
and i miss brandy and michele.
i'll be home 5 december. leave me messages or i won't post ever again. so there.
oh, and it snowed yesterday. and it melted today.