Comedian Hiroaki Matsuda (33), of the duo Hiking Walking, was injured while taping a special episode of Fuji TV's variety program "Orewan," it has been learned. Matsuda is the third celebrity to suffer an injury on the show, leading Fuji TV to announce that it is canceling the episode's scheduled broadcast on August 22.
The show involved a game in which contestants used a cushion as a sled, then launched off a ramp attempting to land onto a polystyrene "island" in the middle of a pool. During a taping on July 26, Matsuda's attempt resulted in a broken left rib, which will take approximately 3-4 weeks to heal.
The same game has already resulted in two other injuries on separate days of filming. Hiroyuki Sugiyama (32) of Wagaya broke his shoulder, and Tomonori Jinnai (36) cracked a rib.
"Orewan" originally aired from October 2009 to March 2010. It has already had three special episodes before this.