Kurashina Kana dislikes hot weather, but loves Okinawa…

Aug 01, 2010 16:40

Last Friday actress Kurashina Kana (22) released her most recent photo book "Watashi wa Koko ni" and on Sunday she attended a PR-Event to celebrate its release.

The photo book is a good source to find out about what kind of woman she is. Next to all the pictures that were shot in her beloved Okinawa after she finished filming the morning drama "Welkame", you will also be able to spot a lot of short "twitter-like" comments from Kurashina herself. The Okinawan atmosphere allowed her to write about all kind of things. The short comments give you a nice insight into her personality, her hobbies, her work and what she thinks about family and love.

In the book she also talks about alcohol and reporters wondered whether she has a high tolerance for it. "I really love alcohol. Before I wasn't really able to drink a lot of wine, but just recently… we've emptied 3 bottles of wine. I was really surprised. Of course I was drinking together with other people, but we weren't a lot that day," she revealed.

At least since "Welkame" we know that Kurashina is totally in love with Okinawa, but at the event she surprisingly revealed that she dislikes the hot weather that is currently dominating most of Japan. "I'm not good with such a hot weather. You can counter cold weather by wearing more clothes, but in the summer it's hot even if you take off all of your clothes." With Okinawa being Japan's southernmost prefecture, you can imagine that hot weather is only one of the prefectures trademarks. "Then what about the hot weather in Okinawa?" Reporters asked. "That's… a very good question. I guess I'm contradicting myself," she responded bitterly.

more @ source


actress, photobook/book, kurashima kana

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