In January, DIR EN GREY had been holding their performance at Nippon Budokan, of which the footage was made into a "movie version DIR EN GREY-UROBOROS-". The piece, which has been veiled in mystery, has now undergone a trial airing for friends and business relatives and the contents have been revealed.
The footage shows the backstage stories of the final performance of DIR EN GREY's world tour which succeeded the album release of "URUBOROS", leading the band through 15 different countries. The movie is a different edition of the DVD to be released in May, where as the lives from January 9th is titled "-09-" and the one from the 10th as "-10-", with two separate airings.
The fans who have seen the movie as representatives for the fans' side said: "The cameras that were following the band members' motions are very close to what the fans saw. I didn't think that any footage can really express the things you usually only see at the lives, but the intentions behind it have been brought to the screen. I think this movie is a culmination of the band right now."
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