Hiroshi Abe (45) will star in a new drama series this spring, taking on the role of a police detective. Titled "Shinzanmono," the drama is based on the latest novel in the "Kyoichiro Kaga" series by mystery author Keigo Higashino (52).
The "Shinzanmono" novel is the eighth installment of the "Kyoichiro Kaga" series. Released last September, it has already sold 380,000 copies. Many of Higashino's other works have already been adapted to television in recent years, including "Ryusei no Kizuna" and "Galileo."
The story is set in the Ningyo-cho area of Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Abe plays the detective Kaga, who has just been transferred to the local police station and immediately takes charge of a murder case.
"Shinzanmono" will be aired on TBS in the Sunday 9:00pm time slot. The series begins in April.
*Extra info thanks to
HPriest : "The news for "Shinzanmono" stated that they aim to beat JIN in ratings."
Synopsis from
jdrama@wordpress: A woman is murdered at Ningyo-cho in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Kaga Kyoichiro (Abe Hiroshi), who has just been transferred to the Nihonbashi police precinct, is put in charge of the case. As everyone of the residents of Ningyo-cho’s shopping street emerge as suspects in the investigation, Kaga, an ace at reading a person’s thoughts, starts to unlock the complicated human relationships with his superior insight and deductive powers.
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