"Haha no Okurimono," a work by the late screenwriter Kuniko Mukoda, is being adapted to both the small screen and the stage. The two versions will be completed later this year, in honor of the 80th anniversary of Mukoda's birth.
The story focuses on the two mothers of a couple that is about to get married. In the drama version, which will air as a single episode on TBS this fall, Keiko Takeshita and Hisako Manda play the mothers, while Yuki Shimizu and KAT-TUN's Yuichi Nakamaru play the couple. Other cast members include B-Saku Sato and Koji Ishizaka.
The stage version will be performed in October at Tokyo's Mitsukoshi Theater. Shimizu will still play the bride, but the groom will by played by fellow Johnny's member Mizuki Sano.
source and just cause