The Oricon marketing survey firm reports that a drama series adaptation of Nanae Chrono's Peacemaker Kurogane supernatural samurai manga has been green-lit for a January 2010 premiere on the TBS/MBS television network in Japan. The story centers around a short 15-year-old boy named Tetsunosuke Ichimura who attempts to join the legendary samurai of Shinsengumi as part of his plan to avenge his murdered parents. However, he learns that he must become a demon to join this group.
The drama's producers are holding an open casting call for both professional and amateur actors. Male and female performers between 15 and 29 years old are encouraged to apply. After the television drama series ends, the drama's cast will form the core of the planned stage adaptation.
ADV Manga published the first volumes of the Peacemaker Kurogane manga, while Tokyopop published the original Shinsengumi Immon Peace Maker manga that preceded the Kurogane version. After ADV Manga stopped publishing Peacemaker Kurogane, Tokyopop licensed and re-released this sequel series. ADV Manga's sister division ADV Films also released the 2003-2004 television anime adaptation.
source: ann