Ideal Role for ‘Non-assertive’ Masuda!?

Jun 22, 2009 20:46

It has been confirmed that NEWS member Masuda Takahisa (22) will play the leading role in a stage production called ‘雨の日の森の中 / Ame no Hi no Mori no Naka’, which will be performed in November in Tokyo and Osaka. (See article here.)

Masuda seemed enthusiastic about his first appearance in a ‘serious’ stage play. “I always wanted to perform in a play, so I’m really excited.” He will play the part of a timid and tentative college student. Masuda is a skilled dancer and vocalist, and along with fellow NEWS member Tegoshi Yuya (21) is currently performing as a separate unit called ‘Tegomass’. Though Masuda has made several appearances on entertainment shows like ‘SUMMARY’, it will be his first try at a ‘real,’ serious stage production.

Smiling gently, Masuda said, “Unlike singing and dancing I haven’t had much opportunity to do stage acting. It was something that I had really wanted to do, so of course I’m happy.”

He then smiled wryly and continued, “My character is a ‘non-assertive’ type of person that gets scared easily. He is scared of ghosts, and he loses his nerve when he faces a girl he really likes. I’m kind of like that myself, so I probably won’t have any trouble playing this role.”

When asked whether he gets scared as easily as his character, he said, “I do. I’m not the type that can take the initiative in relationships. I‘m sometimes afraid of closing my eyes while washing my hair after I’ve watched a horror movie.” This may well be perfect casting.


news: masuda takahisa, tegomass, stageplay, johnny & associates, interview, news

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