The official website for the manga-based Liar Game films began streaming a half-minute teaser trailer for the second film, Liar Game: Reborn (Liar Game -Saisei-). Shota Matsuda (Hana Yori Dango) reprises his lead role as the genius Akiyama from Shinobu Kaitani's Liar Game psychological thriller manga. Mikako Tabe (Kimi ni Todoke) plays the heroine Yū in a new game, while Mana Ashida (Usagi Drop/Bunny Drop) goes against typecasting as Alice, a member of the Liar Game organization.
In the original manga, a woman named Nao Kanzaki is caught in a dangerous high-stakes competition known as "Liar Game," and a genius con artist named Shinichi Akiyama (Matsuda) comes to Kanzaki's aid. The second film is set two years after the first, as the Liar Game organization starts a new game to seek vengeance.
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