The popular drama series “Kaibutsu-kun,” starring Arashi member Ohno Satoshi (30), will be coming back to television for another special episode this fall. The special is said to be an “episode 0″ to lead up to the story of the big-budget 3D movie version that will be released on November 26, 2011, which happens to be Ohno’s 31st birthday.
The “Kaibutsu-kun” drama series averaged around 14% ratings during its broadcast run in April-June 2010. It got a special episode just two weeks after the series ended. This new special episode, with the working title “Kaibutsu-kun Shinsaku SP!,” is expected to air before the movie’s premiere but does not yet have an official broadcast date.
Besides Ohno, returning cast members that have been confirmed include Yashima Norito (40), Ueshima Ryuhei (50), Choi Hong Man (30), Kawashima Umika (17), Matsuoka Masahiro (34), Hamada Tatsuomi (10), Inamori Izumi (39), Kaga Takeshi (50), and Becky (27).
Filming for the special is planned to take place in September.
Last month, advance tickets for the “Kaibutsu-kun” movie went on sale, and 105,762 tickets were sold in the first two days.